RiskGONE – science-based RIsk GOvernance of Nano-tEchnology

RiskGONE – science-based RIsk GOvernance of Nano-tEchnology

24/05/2019 Comments Off on RiskGONE – science-based RIsk GOvernance of Nano-tEchnology By inca

RiskGONE is a H2020 project involving 22 international partners with the aim to provide a state-of-the-art risk governance framework and firm science-based interdisciplinary risk management procedures for nanotechnology, based on a clear understanding of risks, risk management practices, and perception of risk by all stakeholders. The project partners aim to succeed in this task by supporting the standardisation and validation process for Engineered Nanomaterials (ENMs) by evaluating, optimising and prevalidating the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and ISO test guidelines, as well as integrating them into a framework for risk governance and a related Decision Support Tool. Ultimately, a transparent and self-sustained Risk Governance Council will be established within the project, which will act as a science-based governance body for ENMs safety.

Link https://riskgone.eu/